Saturday, July 27, 2013

Welcome to Stephanie's Muse

Welcome to Stephanie's Muse. I am a Christian blogger and can't wait to take on this new adventure and see where it leads. I blog on a variety of blogs on various topics from gardening to everyday life. This is my first 'Christian blog' that is dedicated to my every day life along with Apostolic Pentecostal subjects, recipes, crafts, gardening and more. It's pretty much a little bit of everything.

First off, I would like to say THANK YOU to Helen at Blue Eyed Beauty Blog for my fabulous layout! She went above and beyond to create this layout. If you are in the need of a new layout you should check her out! She is AWESOME!

Over the next few weeks I will be rolling out a few new memes and hope to see y'all joining in. Here are a few of the ones I have come up with so far...

Friday Fashion- Apostolic Style
Every Friday I will share new Apostolic Pentecostal fashion ideas. Some of my own, some I find on other sites and of course, the occasional great find on Pinterest!

Sunday Supper
A new recipe each Sunday... Sunday dinner after church is one of the many things I look forward to all week. Each Sunday I will share a new recipe, some from my own recipe book, some that I have found online and want to try.

I have a lot of great hopes for this new blog and hope you will all join me on my new adventure!